Max Lucado’s Outlive Your Life book review
Max Lucado’s Outlive Your Life: Under difficulty, we are given chances to make a difference. Will you grab that opportunity to become significant to others?

Max Lucado’s Outlive Your Life – The Book
These are terrible days in our world’s annals. Almost 2 billion people are severely poor. Natural disasters are gouging whole populations. Furthermore, financial uncertainty still rules across the globe.
However, you and I have been given an opportunity to make a meaningful difference. What if we did? What if we shook the world with hope? Can we infiltrate our community with God’s principles?
You and I were created by a supreme God to achieve great things. He summons us to outlive our lives here on earth, not just in heaven.
Let’s positively transform our lives in such a way to, positively, change the world as well.
The Author
Max Lucado has touched millions with his stories. Awards and accolades follow Max with each work he writes. (read mini-bio)
Max Lucado’s Outlive Your Life – The Book Review
I read a few works from Mr. Max Lucado. After some books, you start feeling that you know his style and message.
But this particular text touched me intensely in the sense that it shows that you should not spend your life in a trivial way. You should make a difference, even if small, in the life of someone, showing that you care.
Lucado, through 16 chapters, manages to stress the significance of making all the difference. Illustrating each section with examples taken from the Bible and his personal experience, he makes our reading very pleasant.
He offers prayers to complete each section’s arguments. A Discussion and Action Guide was thoroughly prepared at the end of the book, with inquiries reflections for the ideas proposed in each chapter.
Overall, another masterpiece from Mr. Max Lucado.
The author and publisher were too kind to send me a copy of this book for an uncompromised analysis through their Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers Program.
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This post was adapted and transferred from my old blog, Books, and Movies Reviews.
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User Review
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Non-Fiction Inspirational Religious Christian Faith
Thomas Nelson
September 12th 2010
ebook, hardcover, paperback, audio
Books and Movies Review website transfer,
Mature enough for spiritual reflections