When Lightning Strikes book review
Are you confused about death and Heaven? When Lightning Strikes book review is about a wonderful recount and reflection on the hereafter!
Kay Brunson tells us that her husband, Bobby Brunson, was hit by lightning and crumbled dead almost 30 recorded minutes, just to return with a remarkable, life-altering flash of life after death.
On this book, he describes his journey to Heaven and shares his viewpoint on death. Bobby tells his story to people in ceremonies, hospitals, civic gatherings, and any other suitable occasion.
Crowds have seen his expression of satisfaction when talking about Jesus. His passion for sharing his trip to Heaven with others is catching, and his everyday trust in God about the realities of daily living is real.
This work is a note of faith for the terminally ill, a word of peace for those who lost loved ones, and a writing that shares his anticipation to seeing the Lord again.
Bobby’s message is not new, but quite simple:
God loves us all the same way.
The narrative of Bobby walking on shiny streets, speaking with his deceased dad, and holding hands with Jesus is an assurance to dealing with death and its disconforts.
Kay has watched it all while Bobby talked with people and witnessed their enthusiasm with the man who met Jesus. His story never fails to touch everyone, and it won’t fail to touch you.
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Bobby Brunson is a native Charlestonian and his wife, Kay, of 46 years was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
They have two adult children and 3 grandchildren. All reside in Charleston, SC. Bobby and Kay both attended college in Charleston and went on to start three businesses.
Bobby was in the Coast Guard when he met Kay at church. They are charter members of Cathedral of Praise Church, which was founded in their home with Pastor Mike Lewis and where they still attend and serve.
Bobby retired as a conductor with CSX Railroad after some 25 years. Kay continues to run the family business, BOC Oil Company, Inc. Bobby and Kay have spoken in many states and numerous churches.
They have been involved in helping small group marriage classes and Kay has taught adult Sunday school classes, small groups and continues to serve on the board at Cathedral Academy.
User Review
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Non-Fiction Inspirational Religious Christian Faith
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
November 28, 2010
Books and Movies: Reviews
Book "When Lightning Strikes" by Kay and Bobby Brunson
Kay Brunson
Very mature kids and up.

This book is fantastic and very easy well-written reading by Bobby and Kay Brunson. It works as a boost to anyone's faith, especially for those that have doubts about Heaven being for real.
Although short in the sense that we could stay reading forever about Heaven, this book brings us the experience suffered by Kay Brunson and her husband, when a bolt of lightning hit him and stayed dead for 28 minutes.
She had to exercise all her faith and find strength in Jesus.
When he came back to life, his testimony was incredible. He described the looks of Heaven, his talking with his deceased father and holding the hand of Jesus. Very touching story.
This book should be a mandatory reading in every church as the testimony given by Bobby is straightforward in the sense that we do not have much time to repent from our sins.
Bobby and Kay Brunson wrote the work and CreateSpace published it.
The authors were kind enough to provide me with a copy for an uncompromised book review.
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