A Brief History of Time book review
In this “A Brief History of Time” book review, we will try to get a glimpse of Stephen Hawking’s ideas about the Universe. Science for all!
The Book
One of the most prominent minds of our time, the author explores serious questions that bother most of us, even if in shallow reflections.
Gracefully covered, in this book, we find topics such as:
- The beginning of the Universe
- What made its start possible?
- Are there boundaries?
- Are there other dimensions in space?
- Will it come to an end?
- Does time always flow forward?
- How does time work?
- What will happen when it all ends?
- Black holes.
- The quest for a general theory of everything.
And much more.
These concepts are so vast that can make some people dizzy, but, on the other hand, nobody can deny the author’s marvelous ability to synthesize such wondrous and challenging subjects for people that are not used to think about things they don’t usually think about.
Hawking attempts to reveal these questions using a minimum of technical jargon is told in a language we all can understand. He attempts to communicate complex science in a clear and quite elementary way that makes it comfortable to start reading the book.
Published over 20 years ago with compelling images and imagination, the book, A Brief History of Time jumps into the exotic sphere where possibilities are wondrous and unexpected.
The Author
Widely regarded as one of the greatest minds of our time, Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history.
Hawking’s talent to make science natural and compelling is outstanding. He has authored or influenced numerous popular science books.
In the book A Brief History of Time, he has helped many layman ordinary people understand the scientific (and some existential) questions that people usually ask nowadays.
Possibly not to everyone’s taste, Professor Hawking is a fascinating man who is refreshingly straightforward about his life and limitations. If not for anything else, this books is worth reading so we can learn much about Stephen Hawking’s view of his personal condition.
A most interesting man, the author has profound perceptions of the Universe that explain in better detail most of the questions listed above.
My Book Review
This work is deep science.
I say this book is not for everyone because I know people that, either don’t bother or are kind of afraid to ask those types of profound questions. Thinking about life and existence can be frightening to some.
However, to those fresh young minds, even on elder people, Stephen Hawkings is a delightful curtain opener.
He reveals his insights and ideas brilliantly and shows that his field (theoretical physics) is vast, deep, and emotional, but also quite easy to understand, given the right words.
I have gifted this book to both my children (grown ups), and they loved it as much as I did.
A landmark in science writing where Stephen Hawking brings us closer to the ultimate secrets of our existence, the book is certainly a journey worth taking; As he states, the reward of understanding the universe may be a glimpse of God’s mind.
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Bantam Books
September 1, 1998 - 10 Anviversary
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Hello there!
First off, you have an amazing website and great honest reviews.
I was considering A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking and was not sure if it was right for me, and even though I do think it is going to be very deep, I still can not wait to order one and get to reading. You provide so much detail about the books you review yet some how do not give away too much.
Thanks again I will certainly be bookmarking this website
Hello, Livia,
Don’t worry too much about the book being too deep. The writing is pretty accessible to most readers, considering the science topics. I’m pretty sure you will enjoy it.
Thanks for sharing your opinion and kind words. Cheers!