A Year With God by R P Nettelhorst

A Year With God by R P Nettelhorst is a book for Christian inner reflection.  A devotional that pushes you into thinking all the time.


A Year With God by R. P. Nettelhorst

The Book

So many times the influence and grandness of the original words God spoke, as reported in the Bible, are lost in the revealings of the story. In “A Year with God” the main focus is to let the Scriptures that bear God’s dialogue and His revelations to, uniquely, speak to the reader.

The writer follows each study with insights and uses to help explain the setting and subtleties of the text. The original titles of each reflection and the nontraditional topics and structure help bring God to our daily lives.

The topics include:

  • Hope and Fear
  • Love and Hate
  • Perseverance and Quitting
  • Faith and Doubt
  • Loyalty and Betrayal
  • Companionship and Isolation
  • Mercy and Judgment
  • Forgiveness and Anger
  • Joy and Sadness
  • Peace and Conflict


The Author

A Year With God by R. P. NettelhorstAmong other things, R P NETTELHORST is a theology and science fiction writer. He writes a weekly newspaper article for a small Northern California paper called The Ridge Rider News. He can write about anything he likes, as long as he retains it to 800 words.

He was an aide with the X-Prize Foundation at the successful launches of SpaceShipOne. He is the founder and Academic Vice President of Quartz Hill School of Theology where he also works as a professor.

Whilst an in college, he spent some time working on a kibbutz in Israel. He completed studies at UCLA in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, majoring in Semitic languages.

Previous to founding Quartz Hill School of Theology, he taught at Christian Heritage College and Los Angeles Baptist College.

He and his family live in Southern California.



A Year With God by R P Nettelhorst is not just another daily devotional book. It is, rather, a magistral study that brings us intense meditation through the insights of the author on a variety of themes that we usually do not stop to think about.

The fact that he did not order this devotional by calendar days makes it easier for the readers to start at any point in the year. This way following their sequence, as the heart guides them.

One particular topic touches me deeply: “Jumping Frogs of Egypt”,  in which the author discusses how tyrants are not quick to keep their promises. Thinking about that, we see that nowadays we have the same problem the Jews had three thousand years ago.

Our leaders also are too quick to forget about the promises they made before the election.

The book proceeds, bringing us issues to think about in all areas.

An enjoyable reading and an excellent acquisition for any permanent library of a serious Christian.

R. P. Nettelhorst wrote this book in 2010, and Thomas Nelson published it. They were too kind to send me a copy for an uncompromised book review through their Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers Program.


  • cultural relevance
  • entertainment
  • readability
  • Our personal rating
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5 (1 vote)


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