Hera by Julien Longo book review
Hera by Julien Longo is a new tale to recount an old mythological legend. Join the Goddess of Love in this exciting journey into the past.
the Book
Leap into the mythical lives, romance and mystical adventures of the Greek Goddesses and Gods in author Julien Longo’s new fantasy series, The Goddess Chronicles.
The series starts with Hera, Greek god-queen, telling the tale of her human life which spans to her immortal conversion.
Longo reinvents the Greek conception story and sets in motion an epic fiction of immortal love, spiritual awakening, and mysticism.
Hera by Julien Longo’s story begins in the protagonist’s childhood with friends the time, Artemis and Apollo, as they head to hunt the hog along Atlantis’ jungle outskirts. Fresh and anxious for glory, Hera plunges into disaster discovering a mystical ability that changes the direction of her life forever.
She rides into the mystery of the Emerald Temple, home of powerful priestesses, where she discovers her true lineage. Hera struggles to guard the Mysteries of the Temple and face her royal destiny.
Longo’s retelling of the Greek pantheon’s creation, through Hera’s point of view, explores a time before the existence of God when the prominent spiritual understanding was one of a genderless divine. Readers journey with Hera into the life of a priestess and the heart of mysticism.
the Author
From early childhood, Julien Longo has been captivated by mysticism and the eternal journey of the soul. Growing up on the island of Maui, spiritual traditions and healing properties of nature deeply influenced her upbringing. While writing The Goddess Chronicles, Julien dug in heavily on her theological studies.
She holds an M.A. in Humanities and Leadership, with an emphasis on Creation Spirituality from New College of California. She has attended the Squaw Valley Writers Fellowship and studied poetry with Lucille Clifton and Sharon Olds.
When a serious injury required her to leave her job in middle school education, Julien turned to the mystical customs she had studied to help with her illness, reclaim her life, and heal.
Through her writing, she explores the transformative power of spiritual practices to heal the body and touch the soul. Julien teaches holy practices and is the founder of Mystic Pie and The Healing Tribe. She lives in California.
the Book Review
Hera by Julien Longo is a very well-written work and, clearly, we can see that the writer did an excellent research on Greek mythicism.
Her easy way of describing the characters of this novel in such a vibrant form makes us feel connected to the story. It feels like in a way that we are participating in Hera’s dreams, pain, love, in her awakening for the spiritual nature.
All relationships that compose the Greek gods family are well exploited in an exciting new way. The author was able to catch all the conspiracies, secrets, friendships, mysticisms and ties so well depicted in Greek mythology.
A great fantasy that, in some ways, recalls “The Mists of Avalon” by Marion Zimmer Bradley in the sense that the story is told from the female character point of view.
However, this book has its original singularities, and the plot moves forward so smoothly that the book ends too quickly, leaving the sensation that we want more.
Expectedly the writer will leave us waiting for the release of the second book in this delicious “The Goddess Chronicles” series.
I have quite quickly become a fan of Julien Longo and her writing style.
Meanwhile, I’ll use my time to read her previous book, “Her Immortal Soul”.
Readers may need a bit of maturity to understand and appreciate this excellent novel with all the mysticism and mythology.
Hera by Julien Longo was also published in 2010 by FireRaven Press and FiredUp Communications through Mariko Drouin were kind enough to provide me a copy for a book review.
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The Goddess Chronicles - book #1
Fantasy, Mythic, Mythology
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
October 26, 2010
paperback, kindle
mature kids and up.