Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament by Nancy Guthrie

The One Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament

This is a book about finding Jesus in the Old Testament. Fit to take the reader on a day by day reflection of Old Testament to point the presence of Jesus Christ.


The Bookjesus-in-the-ot

Discovering Jesus’ old testament presence can be an exciting new look into Christianity, an invigorating investigation into the old to refresh the new.

Contrary to the usual dive into the New Testament to tell us about Jesus, that kind of information can actually be found in the Old Testament,

Jesus said,

“The Scriptures point to me!”

Following them from start to end , Bible teacher, Nancy Guthrie, shines the light of Christ on the assurance of a descendant that shall set a conclusion to the curse of sin; the story of the a predecessor offering his child to sacrifice; the icon of a sanctuary where the faithful can meet with God; the prediction of a servant that will agonize; a single man that, as a king, will rule with virtue.

Many are the indications that point out to the coming of Jesus Christ.

In a Day by day appraisal, during one year, the person who reads this book will discover that finding Jesus in the Old Testament is a beautiful way to discover a newer and fresher vision of Christ.

It brings a more profound appreciation and understanding of who Jesus is and what he constructed through his Cross and Resurrection.


nancy-guthrieThe Author

After terrible personal tragedies with 2 newborn children that lived only 6 months, people still wondered how David and Nancy Guthrie’s ability to emerge from such enormous sorrow with joy for life and passion for God was possible.

Faith made it possible for Nancy to share her troubled experience in “Holding On to Hope: A Pathway of Suffering  to the Heart of God”, her 2002 book.

That book has touched and helped thousands of readers worldwide.

Nancy continues to write books that reflect her passion for applying God’s Word to real life to help people in despair.

Graduating in theological studies at Covenant Theological Seminary has helped her speak regularly at women’s retreats and evangelistic events nation and worldwide.

With a mind that wants to figure out the big picture, Nancy has taken every lesson from her own life and teachings from her many tutors into trying to better understand the Word of God.

Digging into God’s Word has aided her in comprehending that her listeners and readers can better understand themselves and their struggles.

Nancy and her family live in Nashville, Tennessee.


Our Review

This not just another Devotional Book.  The misleading title hides its truly magnificent contents a bit.

The writer did an amazing investigation and explains her conclusions in a very structured and easy-reading way.

The structure is divided in 365 mini-chapters that are intended to be read one per day along the whole year.

The way she progresses each subject is graceful and she always finds a match between topics in the Old and New Testaments. It is very inspiring and provokes deep reflection.

Several points moved me deeply, like the “The First Born’s Death”, where she associates the passage of the Angel of Death over the houses marked with the blood of the lamb with God’s offering the blood of his own first born as a sacrifice for sin.

Following the example, given by the author, to me, the most important lesson learned from this book is that we should try to find Jesus not only in the New or Old Testament, but everywhere we look. We should try to find Jesus in the smile of a child, in the dawning of a day, in the raindrops falling on our heads; in every aspect of our lives.

Written by Nancy Guthrie in 2010, the book was first published by Tyndale Publisher House in the same year.

They were very kind to send us a copy for reviewing through their blogger’s book review program.


We would very much appreciate your thoughts in a comment.


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2 thoughts on “Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament by Nancy Guthrie

  • 2016-06-15 at 7:34 pm

    Hi Roberto,

    This seems like a truly magnificent book that all Christians would need to read in order to better understand the incredible person that Jesus Christ was. After all without the sacrifice that Jesus Christ gave in giving up His life on the cross for all of us who believe in Him, we would not receive the gift of eternal life once we all leave this Earth.

    I was incredibly moved by the author Nancy Guthrie and her husband’s continued commitment to a life serving God considering the twin tragedies that they suffered through in losing two infant children 6 months after they were born. Many people under that circumstance would turn AWAY from God, acting out of pity as to why they deserved such cruel fates.

    As you stated it is obvious in the first several books in the New Testament which provide proof that Jesus Christ lived here on Earth. But this book provides indisputable evidence of His existence in the Old Testament as well.

    This was an excellent review, Roberto!

    • 2016-06-17 at 7:23 am

      Hello. Jeff,

      Thank you so much for sharing your support and impressions. We look forward to seeing you here in the future.



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