The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith
“Happily ever after” is finished! The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith is the story years after the tale. Check it out!
The Book
What happens when the fairytale comes to an end?
On the night of her only daughter’s wedding, an older Queen Snow White doesn’t share the joyous spirit of the occasion. The celebration promises to be the most glamorous social event of the in years.
The Royal Castle has been thoroughly cleaned, polished and richly decorated for the occasion. It is already nearly breaking with rejoicing guests and cheerful well-wishers.
Prince Edel, Princess Raven’s fiancé, is a handsome man from a nearby kingdom. Snow White’s domains are peaceful and full of prosperity.
All is great, except for one detail:
The King is dead, and the queen has been in an endless and depressive grieving state of hopelessness.
However, when she decides to climb the stairs to a long forgotten tower where an old magic mirror is kept hidden, reflections of her troubled past and most inner fears emerge.
As she wrestles with her past and is forced to confront her true self, only time will answer the questions that arise in The Reflections of Queen Snow White.
The Author
Originally from Knoxville, Tennessee, David Meredith is a writer and educator with Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees. For almost ten years, from 1999-2010, he was an English teacher in Northern Japan. Currently, he lives with his wife and three children in the Nashville Area where he writes and teaches English.
The Reflections of Queen Snow White – Book Review
A fascinating idea!
The author develops a sequel story to Snow White fairy tale.
Snow White is probably one of the most well-known and beloved stories of all time. I doubt that there is a single child who doesn’t know her tale.
Also, the author presents us with a Snow White that has come of age and is currently in a deep state of depression, mourning the death of King Charming, that happened one year before.
But the time is for joy, as their daughter, Princess Raven, is about to get married.
Trying to escape from her guests, Snow White ends up in a tower where she finds the magic mirror.
The mirror reveals Snow White’s most intimate feelings to her in a process that leads to reflection and ultimately some decisions that will change her attitude.
From feeling sorry for herself, after seeing her true strength through the mirror, the queen recovers from her state of sadness and goes back to a normal life, supporting her daughter in this celebrated moment of her life.
Although this is a sequel to Snow White as seen by the author, this book is not just another fairy tale; The theme is more adult oriented.
Nevertheless, the work is a great fantasy book that I recommend to everyone that likes well-written fantasies.
The author was too kind to send me a copy for an uncompromised book review.
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Fiction Fantasy Romance Novel
(February 24, 2017) - not first edition
kindle, paperback
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