Will the World End in 2012 by Raymond C. Hundley
Will the World End in 2012 by Raymond C. Hundley studies, and exposes some of the major catastrophic events predicted to occur in that year!
Holding a bachelor diploma in theology, my main interest was always eschatology. The author does a brilliant job investigating ten “end of world” prophecies throughout the first ten chapters of his book.
He gives his point of view with a resolution at the end of each one of those chapters, summarizing with logical arguments the value (or not) of each prediction.
He treats the Mayan divination, solar storms, the Large Hadron Collider, prophecies of Nostradamus, reversal of magnetic poles, collision with another planet, Earth’s alignment with the galactic plane, the eruption of a super volcano, the WEB Bot Project and finally some religious predictions of the end of the world.
His conclusions are consistent with Christian theology.
User Review
( votes)
Non-Fiction | Religious | Christian
Thomas Nelson
April 19, 2010
paperback, kindle
blog Books and Movies Reviews
12 and up

Overall, this is a very easy reading work (it took me a bit more than 5 hours to conclude its reading), very impressive.
I just hope some readers got more at ease with the growing hysteria of 2012's end of the world.
The end of the world as we know it is no different from the end of our individual personal lives. We should always be prepared for that.
The publishers were kind enough to send me a copy of this for an uncompromised book analysis through their Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers Program.
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