To Those Who Suffer by Sean Nolan book review
To Those Who Suffer by Sean Nolan book review: Sometimes we need God to relieve our suffering. What about the flaws in standard Christian teaching?
The Book
The ones that don’t have that luxury to have the terrible situation removed aren’t capable of holding out hope divine support because their cases are exceptions to the life precepts the Lord stated.
The Lord will not reasonably give back the legs of an amputated person, nor will God bring a women’s husband of fifty years back from the dead.
Are these cases hopeless? The reply to this inquiry is:
There is always hope!
There is a solution, to our troubles, that doesn’t need to change or relief to our actual conditions.
The states we do not observe Lord’s faith in the release of our situation, yet in the works of Christ.
The Lord will come for us even if He doesn’t alter our position. This statement doesn’t imply that there isn’t incidental grace and relief to be held in our journey.
It just means that things like that are a secondary-resolution to our difficulties contrasted to the spiritual answer that our Protector grants to all who attempt to understand grieving from His viewpoint.
The actions of Christ at the CrossThis are the best proof of this truth. If Jesus had the circumstantial agony that He was in instantly relieved, then His greatest gift to us would have never become an example to follow.
To Those Who Suffer by Sean Nolan encourages you into understanding that the Lord is not ‘short-changing’ you by allowing suffering and pain in your life. His most beautiful teaching to His children is the process following the exemplary actions His Son, not the direct protection that He would certainly be able to provide.
Author Sean Nolan reveals that Paul knew that the highest mission and greatest reward God gives to His children is not comfortable conditions but a personality that seeks Christ examples. Paul understood that suffering propelled and fueled his relationship with the Lord.
The Author
Sean Nolan lives in Sydney, Australia with his family. Sean pastors at Glorious Hope Baptist Church which reaches out to some of the most marginalized members of the community. Sean is a graduate of Emmaus Bible College in Sydney and is actively involved in the political arena. Sean enjoys rugby, cricket, and sci-fi and has a passion for people in pain.
To Those Who Suffer by Sean Nolan Book Review
Only those who have experienced suffering and pain will fully realize how marvelous this work is and how well the author displays his points.
Through four sections:
- Why God Does What He Does
- The Many Different Paths To Pain
- The Church versus God – The Answers We All Seek
- It Still Hurts
Each one with 3 or 4 chapters, the writer tries to demonstrate that God is under control.
Some quotes moved me deeply, as a major point for reflection, like when reading about pray,
- “God does not want our advice. He wants our devotion”.
Another one:
- “Christ came to free us from our sins, not necessarily our sufferings,”
and a variation of that,
- “God is more interested in our character than our comfort.”
And the list of quotes that makes us think about ourselves and our faith goes on and on.
Yet my favorites are:
- “Hell is not a place, it is a choice,… hell is the absolute separation from God.”
- “Paradise is not a place; it is the presence of God.”
Entering into details on the different paths to pain, Nolan relates different types of suffering to various Biblical characters that passed through the varying types of hardship that are discussed, which makes the reading very clear and compelling.
The “Innocent Suffer” is illustrated by Joseph, the “Self-imposed Suffering” by David, the “Suffering Spiritually” by Job and “All Roads Lead to Rome” by Naomi.
If you want to read about a serious consideration on suffering and pain, this book is a must-have in your permanent library, and I can guarantee that you will not suffer and have pain while reading this it. (sorry for the joke, Sean)
The publishers were very kind to send me a copy for an uncompromised book review.
It took me around 7 hours to read this work.
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VMI Publishers
First Edition edition, March 10, 2010
from mature juvenile and up.