Harry Potter Story Structure of the Saga

Harry Potter Story Structure of the Saga

Exactly as novels, sagas can also have their plot developments based on narrative structures. Let’s see how this works with Harry Potter.


Before we start, beware that this whole article is one GIANT SPOILER. If you haven’t read all books, or seen all movies, I suggest that you continue with a lot of care. I have added spoiler windows for you to open before reading each section.jk-rowling


J. K. Rowling did a magnificent job in the development of the saga plot, as well as for all book main inner plots .


One important thing that I find about the Harry Potter Saga is to remember a significant detail about the Main Character and the Protagonist. No, they are not just different terms for the same story player.

The Main Character is that one player in the story that shares feelings and views with us.

The Protagonist is that player that pushes the story forward.

In my opinion, the character that drives the saga forward and sets the central motivation of the plot is actually an unexpected one:

Harry Potter Saga Main Characetrs

Who is who? (spoilers)


One must not confuse these dramatic functions with their counterparts inside each of the books. Those can be and, in most cases, are different, depending on the novels.

For this reason, I think it serves better to our purposes to read about, and, then, investigate the

Saga Archetype Analysis


Following that, we should read about, and study the

Saga Dramatic Structure

Also called Narrative Structure, this type of analysis tries to fit the saga into a certain narratology model.

On this website, we have been using  a hybrid between Christopher Vogler’s paradigm and, a 7-step development of the 4-act structure.


Act 1

Backstory flashbacks throughout all the novels show Tom Riddle’s story before the Trigger. This part of his life could be in itself a whole complete saga plot telling Voldemort’s ascension before Harry Potter.

Also, the first books have the objective of presenting new unknown characters to the public.




Technically called Point of Attack, this plot point is where a problem occurs, waiting avidly to be solved by the Protagonist.


Flashbacks in all books and

Act 2

Second acts usually are a series os tests with a rising set of complications up to the point of a crisis before the Mid-Point.




After a crisis, this is a point of clarification for the Protagonist.



Act 3

This section usually marks a preparation phase, a recounting/retelling phase, or both. Basically, everyone prepares for the final climax. This moment is usually used to remember what has happened up until now.




The climax is the sequence where a final struggle between the Main Character and Impact Character, and between the Protagonist and Antagonist happens with an ending or closure.

Sub-plots-struggles like “Contagonist x Guardian”, and such, also may have closure near this point.




Act 4

The section is the closure section where everything is explained.



It is important to note that we can find many sub-plots in the saga, and the books, which, by themselves, are sub-plots on their own.

Also, a curious mind could try to fit an analysis using Harry Potter, or even, Dumbledore as protagonists, and it might even work.


You can reach the reviews for each book by clicking on their titles. Please, leave a comment with your opinion.

4 thoughts on “Harry Potter Story Structure of the Saga

  • 2016-10-20 at 8:32 pm

    I’m currently writing a story and I’ve never thought of breaking my characters up like this. I feel like all my years of school have been lies lol. I always thought that the character the story was mostly revolved around was the protagonist and never thought to put them as the antagonist but it does make a lot more sense for it be the character that drives the story. I think will help me a lot when writing my characters. It’s a whole other way of think about it. Thank you!

    • 2016-10-21 at 7:34 am

      Hello, MissAnimeGirl,

      The Dramatica Theory model establishes 4 essential archetypes that, usually fall into 2 characters, in hero/villain stories:

      Protagonist and Antagonist (story problem adversaries)

      Main Character and Impact Character (intellectual adversaries)

      When the Protagonist and the Main Character are the same, we have a HERO.

      Following that logic, sometimes, authors blend the Antagonist and Impact Character to produce a VILLAIN.

      The Protagonist is the story driver, but also, the character that evaluates the situation in order to solve a problem.

      Voldemort drives the saga-plot forward, but not all the books’s plots and none of the sub-plots. Harry Potter (and friends) is usually the character that does most of the evaluation in the saga and in the books’ plots. J. K. Rowling splits the Protagonist functions between more than one character in most of the books and in the saga.

      In other words, in the saga plot, we have a villain that carries a piece of the protagonist.

      Also, we have a semi-hero, Harry Potter (and, sort of, his friends) since he is the Main Character (the eye of the audience) in all the plots and also carries a piece of the Protagonist.

      When J. K. Rowling creates that kind of Complex Characters, and she does that increasingly in the saga, she is in fact doing something brilliant; She makes us feel that Harry Potter and Voldemort have a lot in common. It seems that they follow vary similar paths. That strategy is essential to the Prophecy and the Final Climax.

      Please note that there are 6 more archetypes (which she fully abuses of in complex characters) in the Dramatica Theory that, along with the above, are briefly explained here:

      Simple Dramatic Archetypes

      You may also want to take a look at this: Dramatic Structure Diagrams

      I hope this helps you further more. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

      Thanks for sharing your impressions and experience. Cheers!

  • 2017-02-21 at 10:27 pm

    Hey Caito,

    I’m a big Harry Potter fan here, and I’m also currently writing a fantasy myself so this helps a lot. I’ve never thought of breaking my story the way you did here. I’ll be sure to look into this. 🙂 I can see how this can help in understanding the story better.

    Thanks for sharing!


    • 2017-03-03 at 10:30 am

      Hello, Anh,

      Just don’t forget that you may set your plot following that linear structure, but you can always write the story presenting it any way you see fit. Not all stories need to follow a chronological line. You do not always show everything in the begining, especially the vilains chracter curve. Otherwise, you may lose the mysteries necessary to make it appealing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Cheers!


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