A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L’Engle
A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L’Engle
Three children become involved in dimensions they do not understand. Time travel takes us to meet the wonders of the unexpected. Read on!
the Book
Meg Murry O’Keefe and her family are about to share Thanksgiving dinner when her father answers a phone call from Washington about a madman’s threat of nuclear war.
Only an old Irish rune appears to hold a clue to averting global disaster.
Also, when her brother Charles, interprets the relic, a radiant white beast – the unicorn Gaudior – appears to join him on his crusade. But there are only twenty-four hours in which to prevent the tragedy from happening. Can Charles Wallace, with the aid of Gaudior and Meg, perhaps succeed?
However, there are only twenty-four hours in which to prevent the tragedy from happening. Can Charles Wallace, with the aid of Gaudior and Meg, perhaps succeed?
Adapted from: Time Quintet – Madeleine L’Engle. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.madeleinelengle.com/books/time-quintet/
New Yorker, Madeleine L’Engle, (1918–2007) wrote more than 60 books.
Her most famous of work is “A Wrinkle In Time” (1962), winner of the Newbery Prize in 1963. L’Engle proceeded the story of the Murry family from A Wrinkle In Time with seven other stories.
She also wrote a famous series featuring the Austin family, beginning with the novel Meet The Austins (1960), which had some autobiographical elements.
Madeleine L’Engle’s last work, The Joys of Love, is a romantic, coming-of-age novel she wrote back in the 1940’s.
User Review
( votes)
A Wrinkle in Time Quintet
Children Fantasy Science Fiction Young Adults
Square Fish
May 1, 2007
kindle, library binding, paperback, mass market papaerback
320 (mmp)
Books and Movies Reviews" website transfer!
10 - 14 years
6 - 9

This book is a fascinating science-fiction story that in many aspects brought back to my mind the idea of the "Butterfly Effect, developed by the scientist, Edward Lorenz, in 1963.
We have a review about another book based on the subject.
Over thirty years passed, and this theory was admitted with the status of a "law" recognized as The Law of Sensitive Dependence Upon Initial Conditions.
In this novel, our protagonist Charles Wallace travels in time with the help of a unicorn (Gaudior) to try to prevent a major world disaster.
Meeting four other people in different times, he can change a "Might-Have-Been" situation with the aid of his sister Meg and an ancient Irish rune.
This book is a quick-reading text that took me around nine very enjoyable hours to finish.
If you are reading this review, feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts.
We recommend this book for adults, teenagers and, kids that are mature enough to understand time travel.
This book is maybe my favorite novel in L’Engle’s well-known “Time Quartet” saga. I found out about “A Swiftly Tilting Planet” when I was young, and I still love it. It was written for young adult readers, but everyone can enjoy it greatly.
Thanks for the great post!
Hello, Stu,
Thanks for sharing your impressions. Cheers!